ReadMe.Txt for H2Pas ==================== H2Pas is a quick and dirty hack to convert C-Header files to Pascal units. If you make modifications, please drop me a copy at Peter Sawatzki, CompuServe 100031,3002 In it's current implementation (1.20) H2Pas does the following: - convert structs - convert constant defines - convert procedure/function headers - 'convert' comments of style /* xxxx */ to { xxxx } and comments of style // yyyy to { yyy } - make use of IMPort files to resolve DLL index entries - output C and Pascal code to verify correctness of C and Pascal structure sizes How to use and generate import files: ------------------------------------- if a EXEHDR type .IMP file is present for the DLL with information about the entry points of a function, H2Pas outputs an unit implementation section with entries of the form: Function Ctl3DEnabled; External 'CTL3D' Index 5; where the appropriate indices are resolved from information gathered from the .IMP file. To generate the .IMP file for a DLL -say CTL3D.DLL- one must do the following: EXEHDR CTL3D.DLL >CTL3D.IMP How to execute H2Pas -------------------- Usage: H2Pas Ctl3D.H Ctl3D.Pas [Ctl3D.Imp] where Ctl3D.H is the source C header file, Ctl3D.Pas is the destination pascal unit to be generated and Ctl3D.Imp is an optional import file generated from EXEHDR H2Pas.Ini --------- currently H2Pas.Ini has two areas for customization: [TypeMap] C-Type = Pascal-Type maps a certain C-type to a Pascal type (see sample H2Pas.Ini) [ModMap] modifier a list of modifiers that H2Pas should ignore (see sample H2Pas.Ini) written by Peter Sawatzki Buchenhof 3 58091 Hagen / Germany CompuServe: 100031,3002